
the world IS stranger than we think,
BUT our thinking should not be strange

The following podcasts address misinformation ...

The internet is alive with misinformation to shift our focus away from our loving Heavenly Father to tantalising side stories.  FringePop321 tackles a range of issues from recently discovered ancient manuscripts, aliens, pyramids, hidden codes and secret projects to Planet X (a.k.a. Nibiru).  To quote Mulder from the X Files, "the truth is out there", but it's not what the trolls want us to believe.

FringePop321 - YouTube

The evil ones will often entice us with snippets from the paranormal world to side-track our relationship with God The Father.  The following podcasts use peer-reviewed science and biblical theology to cut through the lies around many common supernatural myths.

Each podcast is 50-90 mins.  Start at #1.